© Sarp
Year of creation : 2018 - currently on tour
Duration : 25 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor
Clowning, Dance, Theater, Object theater, Physical theater, Mime
The performance is based on my clown research during my Master in Physical Theatre studies at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri (CH). I started with the simple questions - What is clown? What makes it unique and what distinguishes it from other performance practices? What is really necessary to make a clown performance? Lo and behold, out came this Grotowskian concept 'poor' in the sense of set design and tools and instead rich in emotions and games. It seems that there is nothing, but for him there is so much - the space, the audience, himself, his dress, his voice, language... He is a simple character of a poor poet who comes on stage to read us his story, but a lot of unexpected things happen. He tries to save his dignity, but everything is in vain. In the end, he manages to play his somewhat crazy song and leaves. This is a show for children and families, involving the audience in games and participation.

Additional information and links

Le prix pour ce spectacle est 1'000 CHF Nombre de personnes en tournée - 1 artiste Espace intime, max. 80 personnes en public

Dossier Video