Ils vécurent enfants et firent beaucoup d'heureux

Cie Alsand
Ils vécurent enfants et firent beaucoup d'heureux
© Céline Michel
Year of creation : 2022 - currently on tour
Duration : 60 min
Target audience : All audiences
Type : Fixed | indoor & outdoor
music, theatre, Clown
There are four artists on stage (Or rather on concrete) (Or sometimes on grass) Who tell and play a story. A narrator who sings and raps A narrator who plays several characters (Because she had several wigs) An actress who plays two characters And who has to change her clothes and make-up very quickly (Even if sometimes we think she takes A little too much time for our taste) Another actress who plays the tragic part (And she can even cry for real). It's a very freely adapted tale Because we had chosen one of Grimm's But then we didn't really like it anymore. It's the story of a woman Who refuses to marry the King So you'd better not come if you're afraid of Kings (Or women who refuse things).

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4 personnes en jeu. S'apprécie dans un environnement plutôt calme si possible.

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