© Xavier Cantat
Year of creation : 2021 - currently on tour
Duration : 40 min
Target audience : All audiences
Type : Strolling | outside
theatre, Bouffons
We all have a little demon inside us, the "gnunn", and what if we let it escape? Four Gnunn's take over the urban space. Mischievous and cynical, these deformed beings are not afraid to put their finger where it hurts. But although they like to make fun of each other, they also like to sing and dance, and that makes them laugh, because all their actions, good or bad, are punctuated by a laugh that means "I caught you out".

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5 personnes en tournée. 2000.- sans les défraiements. Loge pour 4 personnes deux heures minimum avant la représentation. Repérage du lieu en amont.

Dossier Video