Das Mädchen ohne Hände

Compagnie Nicole & Martin
Das Mädchen ohne Hände
© Toni Heigel
Year of creation : 2011 - currently on tour
Duration : 70 min
Target audience : All audiences
French, German, Italian, English, Holländisch*NIM, Spanisch*NIM
Type : under the big top | indoor
acro, equilibre, jongl
A poor Miller meets a stranger in the forest who makes him the following proposition: "Give me only what’s behind your mill and I will make you rich, very rich." There isn’t anything behind my mill, thinks the Miller, apart from an old apple tree. He accepts the terms. But oh, he should not have. Behind his Mill his daughter had been sweeping. The pact with the devil signed and sealed, the fate falls on the Girl. How will she manage to escape it? She is helped along her path by an angel. She meets a King and becomes Queen. All seems well. But every step of the way the devil is watching her, biding his time… This little-known tale by Grimm is a fantastic love story, full of humour and beauty…a story that speaks of loss and gain, of individual paths and growth in life… And of the faith that things will turn out well. No matter the events that befall them, they are able to accept their fate, allowing secret doors to be opened and miracles to happen. And when, at the end, a very young performer appears in the role of the prince, we realise that we can truly call Nicole and Martin a circus family!

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