Empire of Fools

Cie Roikkuva
cirque rue
Empire of Fools
© Oliver Stegmann
Year of creation : 2020 - currently on tour
Duration : 80 min
Target audience : other*NIM
without specific language
Type : under the big top, Theater*NIM | indoor
Clowning, Tight wire, Juggling, Music, Multidisciplinary
A tragicomedy in the circus environment. A classic circus programme does not await the audience, but rather an allusive, contemporary staging of circus traditions with clowning, tightrope walking, aerial acrobatics and juggling, all in a small and intimate setting. A circus tent, a circle of sawdust, tightly enclosed by the steep grandstand and a close proximity to the artists in a unique atmosphere.... this is what modern circus looks like in miniature. Only these four artists perform the show - and this circus is calm, wild, eccentric and dreamy at the same time, without any frills or glamour. The success of the show lies in an exceptionally strong visual language, live music, top-class performances and the closeness to the audience. A tribute to the circus through a deliberate juxtaposition of tradition and modernity. In Empire of Fools, the artists bring the powerful qualities and images of the circus to life and to their full potential. Close, visceral, funny, spectacular and tragically beautiful.

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