Starjongleur Kaspar Tribelhorn

cirque rue
Brügglifeldweg 5
5034 Suhr - AG
founded in 2013

Contact persons

Kaspar Tribelhorn
Management - +41 79 416 04 88
Starjongleur Kaspar Tribelhorn
feu, jongl, Comedy-Jonglage, Comedy-Jonglage, Stelzenläufer
Juggler Kaspar Tribelhorn tours Switzerland with his comedy-juggling stage show, and as a street performer he delights audiences with his mix of comedy and juggling. As a juggling coach, he has taught thousands to juggle.


cirque rue
Starjongleur Comedy-Jonglage-Bühnenshow
2013 | 35 min | All audiences | German | Fixed, Strolling, under the big top | indoor | currently on tour
cirque rue
Starjongleur Comedy-Jonglage-Strassenshow
2013 | 40 min | All audiences | German, English | Fixed, Strolling, under the big top | indoor & outdoor | currently on tour