cirque rue
© Mélanie Jenzer
Year of creation : 2023 - possible revival
Duration : 50 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Fixed, under the big top | indoor
Partner acrobatics, Fire, Aerial arts, Acrobatics, Theater
The show is a mixture of dance, acrobatic lifts and pyrotechnics. Plunged into a steampunk universe, the audience loses all notion of time and reality. Two characters dance, play and twirl as if hypnotised by a mysterious streetlight. This luminous colossus does not seem to want to free them from its hold.

Additional information and links

Certaines adaptations du spectacle sont prévues pour les cas où il n'est pas possible d’accueillir une partie pyrotechnique ou de jouer sur une scène intérieure.
