IMPACT D'UNE COURSE [nom du lieu]

la horde dans les pavés
cirque rue
IMPACT D'UNE COURSE [nom du lieu]
© Vincent Muteau
Year of creation : 2021 - currently on tour
Duration : 50 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language, French, Italian
Type : Strolling | outside
Acrobatics, Circus, In situ
IMPACT D'UNE COURSE is a moving show, an exploration of public space. A walk in three parts, guided by acrobats. The show is a quest. The town must be reclaimed. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. To have an impact, we invite five acrobats and a sprinting musician. Like in all quests, each person has their specific attributes and all are needed throughout the journey. This show is as much a lived experience as it is a guided tour. The spectators wander behind and alongside the sprinting collective, navigating between bouncy castle and contemporary art museum, depending on the location, the vision they have of what is happening and their desires.

Additional information and links

4000€ - dégressif quand plusieurs dates achetées 7 personnes en tournée (6 artistes + 1 diffuseur) repérage en amont, autorisations spécifiques au parcours du spectacle à demander à l'avance par le lieux d'accueil, arrivée J-2 pour une journée de répétition J-1, salle en intérieur pour s'échauffer, accès à un point d'eau

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