J'étais, une fois deux

Aude Cattin
cirque rue
J'étais, une fois deux
© Julien Mudry
Year of creation : 2021 - possible revival
Duration : 45 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor
Object handling, Mono-cycle, Cyr Wheel
"J'étais, une fois, deux" is a 45-minute contemporary circus duo show that can be performed both indoors and outdoors. The disciplines present are: juggling, unicycle, Cyr wheel, acrobatics, music and tenderness. It is a show for all audiences and is best presented from the front in order to appreciate the illusions. The cells of an entity divide, venturing away from established paths, confronting some old-fashioned stereotypes in the process, in search of a harmonious identity. "J'étais, une fois, deux" is above all a visual, comic and analgesic circus show. Filled with innovative and delirious physicality. Aude Cattin and Owen Winship show us the joy, pain and passion of being alive.

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