Compagnie Tarkabarka

cirque rue
Bannholzstrasse 2
9490 Vaduz -
founded in 2016

Contact persons

Bálint Kostyál
Artistic direction - +41 77 401 36 67
Compagnie Tarkabarka
© Peter Podpera
Acrobatics, Clowning, Juggling, Magic, Theater
Circus theater without words. Humorous, surprising and touching. Tarkabarka inspires with expressive theater, fine clowning, lively acrobatics and poetic moments. Simply adorable! For young and old.


cirque rue
KABUFF - ein poetisch freudvolles Clowntheater
2016 | 60 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed | indoor & outdoor | currently on tour
cirque rue
HOPPAA!! - ein clowneskes Spektakel voller Überraschungen
2019 | 60 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed | indoor & outdoor | currently on tour