Ebnöther Trott

cirque rue
Steinhaldenstrasse 66
c/o Gehring
8002 Zürich - ZH
founded in 2005

Contact persons

Jeanine Ebnöther Trott
production, communication, Spiel*NIM
ebnoethertrott@posteo.ch - +41 76 441 59 81
Delia Dahinden
Staging, Ko-Autorin*NIM
info@deliadahinden.ch - +41 79 339 69 81
Ebnöther Trott
© Xavier Cantat
acro, jongl, Tanz, danse, Jonglage, Akrobatik
Playing with objects and their relationship with the human body as well as exploring the qualities of movement while being present with the audience, are the main driving forces of my work.


cirque rue
Voilà la Jeanine!
2023 | 30 min | All audiences | without specific language | under the big top | indoor & outdoor | currently on tour