Georg Traber
© Guido Vorburger
Year of creation : 2003 - currently on tour
Duration : 90 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Fixed, Installation | indoor & outdoor
Dance, Performance, Urban installation, Participative, Theater, Object theater
HANS AFF FOOLING AROUND HANS AFF is himself a mobile miniature zoo. Hans the showman fools around and shows off to the curious looks of passersby as if he was both animal and guardian. But Hans is not dumb: by not using speech he just abdicates human convention. No one knows just how much of an ape or a person HANS AFF really is. HANS AFF is always there when people want to speak to apes rather than to animals. They draw near to him and insistently try to communicate with the Hans inside the ape. The interactive game of fooling around that results suits animals just as well as humans. When all is said and done, HANS AFF is neither a domesticated animal or an escaped zoo animal, but rather someone who has ran away from mankind to become an ape.

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Dossier Video