Miss Margherita
© Alex Rollo
Year of creation : 2020 - currently on tour
Duration : 45 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language, The show can be performed in any languageNIM
Type : Fixed | indoor & outdoor
Clowning, Circus, Antipodalism, Theater, Talking backwards, Text, Acrobatic bike
Miss Margherita: A comical ode to pizza Miss Margherita loves making pizzas, but you'd better not eat the one she might give you... Admire her as she pompously brandishes her magic rolling pin wearing her elegant apron and displaying dexterity worthy of the four seasons. She grumbles, she has a bad temper and she is Italian... or is she? Miss Margherita invites you into her private, tragicomic world and explains how, through her misadventures in love, her psychoanalysis sessions and her recipes, she has found her way. Backwards and forwards, with real and fake pizzas, antipodalism and her trusty yellow bicycle.

Additional information and links

Sol plat, diamètre de 8m pour le vélo. Possible sur asphalte, béton, bois. Version sans vélo possible sur herbe ou gravier et dans un espace plus petit. Un technicien en tournée. 1400 CHF le spectacle plus frais de transports, logement et repas.

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