© Félix Frank
Year of creation : 2023 - currently on tour
Duration : 90 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Fixed, Strolling | outside
Dance, Music, Theater, Object theater
The audience is invited to go on a quest to find the BEASTS (bêtes), they will experience a myth, go on a journey in a strange universe. Let themselves be carried away by their strength, let go of their animal instincts to find themselves in a magical ritual. Together we will try to accomplish a mystical, bewitching and dancing ceremony to celebrate the beasts, to overcome our fears, to let go and simply be happy together! What are the relationships between humans, wild beasts and domestic beasts? How can we find a harmony, an osmosis, between these three worlds? Are they so different from each other? What is the gap between these worlds? Can it be bridged? In the end, who are the BEASTS?

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