Movement and Light

Robyn Haefeli
cirque rue
Movement and Light
© Robyn Haefeli
Year of creation : 2022 - currently on tour
Duration : 30 min
Target audience : All audiences
French, English
Type : Fixed, Strolling, Walk-around, Installation | indoor
acro, Roue Cyr, cirque
Movement and Light is an exhibition about different ways of looking, feeling, understanding and representing movements in the wheel. Everything started with an accident when something went wrong on the trampoline, which my knee did not like it at all. I had to go back to Switzerland for an operation. This was the beginning of my research. Some questions occurred to me along the way such as; How can I continue to practice my discipline without being able to move my body? What is the relationship between my inner feelings (which I started to draw while I was unable to move) and the external view (that the light was drawing) of the same movement? And finally; How can light change the perception of how I use my wheel and help me create a new vocabulary? The exhibition is a mixture of photos, videos, sculptures and physical movement. It is available in a virtual or physical form. Depending on the space, time and wishes you may have, it can be shown partially or in full. This exhibition is part of a research project still in the making. I am looking for opportunities to research, collaborate and exhibit the work that is being created.

Additional information and links

BESOINS TECHNIQUES Exposition virtuelle Pas de besoins spéciaux. L’exposition est un document regroupant mon travail dans l’orde chronologique. Exposition physique Espace minimum: une pièce pour pouvoir exposer des photos, vidéos et sculptures. Exposition entière: Une scène/pièce de 5×5 mètres (2.5 mètres de haut) avec sol plat, qui a la possibilité d’être entièrement noire (sans lumière) ainsi qu’une pièce comme mentionnée au dessus.

Dossier Video