Ourse, spectacle itinérant tout public

Zanco - théâtre itinérant
Ourse, spectacle itinérant tout public
© © Magali Girardin, Zanco
Year of creation : 2021 - possible revival
Duration : 60 min
Target audience : All audiences
Type : itinerant showNIM | outside
danse, Théâtre masqué, Marionnettes
A determined young woman says no and turns into a bear. A prankster fox plays tricks on the carp but loses in the race against the carp. A man dons a bearskin and gives meaning to his life. Animal tales were already told when the Earth was young, they speak of the profound experiences of humans and their relationship to the world. Between dance, puppets and music, you get to meet enchanting characters, half animal, half human, a dancing cello, giant and tiny puppets, comical acrobatics and even a low-tech TV.

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