Living-room dancers

Cie Nicole Seiler
Living-room dancers
© AryaDil
Year of creation : 2008 - currently on tour
Duration : 150 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : Strolling | indoor & outdoor
Dance, Performance
Dance is their passion; they dedicate a good deal of their free time to it. "They" are the protagonists of Living-room dancers, a creation in the form of a choreographic walk through the city. Met via classified ads or by word-of-mouth, these passionate individuals practice tap-dancing, electro, salsa, Argentine tango, expressive dance, samba or even pole dancing. In Living-room dancers, each one inhabits a private apartment that has been transformed into a dance-floor for the evening. These normally very intimate moments are perceptible from street-level with the help of binoculars and MP3 players. Along with the guided city tour, a film which presents portraits of each of the various dancers in the performance, is projected in a participating theater. The performance and the film confront private and public spaces, while playing with our appetite for voyeurism and exhibitionism.

Additional information and links

Le spectacle est recrée à chaque reprise avec des danseur·euse·s locales·locaux.
