© Arya Dil
Year of creation : 2014 - possible revival
Duration : 40 min
Target audience : adult audience
without specific language
Type : Fixed | outside
Dance, Performance
By adapting Giselle, a classic romantic ballet, Nicole Seiler once again leaves the confines of the stage to experiment with other art forms. Specifically, it is the second act of the ballet that the choreographer has chosen to focus on, aiming to render it according to her own reinterpretation of the work. It is already late in the woods. Pale and translucent shadows - the Wilis - the ghosts of deceased young brides are ready for revenge. Will Giselle's love be enough to help the audience, lost in the woods, survive as Albert once did? This new project uses the most recent technologies and motion capture to create a mysterious ballet of light and shadow.

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