Max Gnant - vanderbolten.production

cirque rue
Dubbstrasse 43
8003 Zürich - ZH
founded in 2020

Contact persons

Max Gnant
Artistic direction - 0041767214412
Max Gnant - vanderbolten.production
© Jana Figliuolo
clown, Schauspiel, music, perfo, theatre, cirque, danse
Physical Actor (BA Accademia Teatro Dimitri) with circus , street and theater experience. Works as actor, producer, translator, musician, musical director and drama teacher. Creations: 2020 Kaiser! a football fairytale 2022 Souhung


cirque rue
Kaiser! - König auf der Reservebank
2020 | 65 min | adult audience | German, English | under the big top | indoor | possible revival
cirque rue
2022 | 60 min | adult audience | Berndeutsch*NIM | under the big top | indoor | currently on tour