Collectif Delta Charlie Delta

cirque rue
Av. Soret 17
1203 Genève - GE
founded in 2020

Contact persons

Camille Denkinger
Artistic direction
+41 76 249 00 31
Marie Lou Félix
Artistic direction
+41 77 972 08 20
Collectif Delta Charlie Delta
© Vincent Heiniger
acro, clown, Mât chinois, music, theatre, cirque, danse
We seek to develop a language where disciplines intersect. Deeply inspired by the porosity of the borders between presence and absence, reality and fiction, we create traveling shows in situ, outdoors.


cirque rue
Jardin d'Hiver, spectacle de cimetière
2021 | 80 min | All audiences | French | outside | currently on tour
cirque rue
Il y a des choses que j'aurais aimé te dire
2019 | 60 min | All audiences | French | indoor | currently on tour
cirque rue
2023 | 20 min | All audiences | without specific language | indoor | currently on tour