La Gaarde
© Diana Berschtold
Year of creation : 2016 - currently on tour
Duration : 45 min
Target audience : All audiences
French, German, Italian, English
Type : Fixed, Strolling | indoor
music, perfo, theatre, jeu clownesque, conférence et boniment
A special detachment of the Swiss Guard has been given a mission of the highest importance, commissioned directly by the Pope. They are to deliver the Holy Grail, which will determine the new chosen one for centuries and eternities. As experienced specialists in austerity, skilled in the performance of ceremonies and guarantors of military precision before the Eternal One, they have everything they need to succeed! But what should have been just another flawless ceremony turns out to be much more complicated than expected...

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prix à discuter, 4 personnes en tournée

Dossier Video