Aude Cattin

cirque rue
Route de Bertigny 26
1700 Fribourg - FR
founded in 2015

Contact persons

Aude Cattin
Artistic direction, Authorship, acting - +41 77 470 19 67
Aude Cattin
© Julien Mudry et Wintermezzo
Object handling, Mono-cycle, Cyr Wheel
A graduate of the circus school of Quebec, Aude explores the performing arts between big tops, schools, prisons, festivals and theatres. She offers solo acts, duets or complete shows with the company 'Si le colibri'.


cirque rue
Manipulation de Chapeaux
2021 | 5 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor | currently on tour
cirque rue
Monocycle duo
2021 | 8 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor | currently on tour
cirque rue
Roue Cyr
2023 | 5 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor | currently on tour
cirque rue
total spin of the heart
2018 | 5 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor | possible revival
cirque rue
J'étais, une fois deux
2021 | 45 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor | possible revival
cirque rue
2018 | 25 min | All audiences | without specific language | Fixed, under the big top | indoor & outdoor | possible revival