dance me to the ball - Ein Balance-Akt

Jeanine Ebnöther Trott
dance me to the ball - Ein Balance-Akt
© Josef Brunner
Year of creation : 2020 - currently on tour
Duration : 60 min
Target audience : alle ab 6j*NIM
without specific language
Type : under the big top, Theater*NIM | indoor
acro, jongl, Tanz, Objekttheater
A light-footed game with everything that can be found on stage: a crystal ball, for example, or a small wooden box. A pyjama-like overall dances along as an old acquaintance, a paper monster eats a rope and a ladder serves rather incidentally to gain height. Artistry expands the game: a ball rolls over the head, neck and arms and is held in balance in every conceivable position; floor acrobatics flow into the dance, and suddenly it is clearly and tangibly all about balance. Jeanine Ebnöther Trott creates connections between her artistic skills and the objects around her in an unpretentious and exceptionally elegant way. And when she unexpectedly transforms into a clownish figure with a great need to communicate, you suddenly find yourself playing along with her.

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Espace minimum: 6.5m x 5.5m x 3.10m Equipe de production: 1 artiste, 1 technicien*ne Prix de cession (2 représentations): 3060 CHF

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