© Lisa Boniface
Year of creation : 2021 - currently on tour
Duration : 75 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language
Type : under the big top | indoor
acro, bascule coréenne, mat chinois
It's the story of 5 brothers who already know each other… But they meet for the very first time! A car - a Fiat Panda to be precise - five and a half men. They don't have a lot in common, but one particular thing unites them. It's not their birth place, or their job. It's not their favourite colour or what they ate the day before, or their interests, or their mother. What binds them is their father. Indeed, they are 5 brothers, but they don't share the same mother. Actually, only Simon and Simon know each other. Not so surprising since they are twins. The father is in the car too, travelling in an urn. That's the reason for their trip. They've come straight from the crematorium, with daddy freshly burnt and placed in a box.

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