© Daniel Uhl
Year of creation : 2014 - currently on tour
Duration : 55 min
Target audience : All audiences
without specific language, French, German, English
Type : Fixed, under the big top | indoor
Acrobatics, Circus, Clowning, Dance, Music
The daily boiled egg of Alberto and Rosastia takes them into an unknown dimension. A giant egg gives birth to Rosaline and Albertino, white clown and August who will disrupt their tidy routine. Where do they come from, are they old children or childish old people? So starts the infinite cycle of life in poetry, music and acrobatics with the participation of the companie dogs. The show is based on light lines, simplicity and reconciles the feeling of time flowing and a sense of eternity with humour and maestria. « Only he who while grown up keeps his child's soul is really a man » Erich Kästner

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Dossier Video